Android Community |
- Vibrant’s Froyo Update Too Little Too Late?
- G-Slate Finally Spotted, There’s the 3D Camera
- Fake Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Video “Leaked,” Specs Included
- Android Code NOT Copied, Florian Mueller Story Found Bunk
- Android Community Daily Wrap Up: January 21 2011
- Android Music Mixtape Involves Kanye West, Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, and More
- Nexus S Android 2.3.2 System Update Pushing Now (SMS Bug Fix? UPDATE: Yes!)
- Nexus One Gets FRG83G Update
- Samsung Vibrant 2.2 Update Today Disputed
- HTC EVO Shift 4G Now $89.99 on Amazon
- ShootMe Screenshot App on Android – Root or No Root?
- Motorola XOOM is Lead Honeycomb Product, So Says Google
- Samsung Gem Announced, Possibly Heading to Verizon
Vibrant’s Froyo Update Too Little Too Late? Posted: 22 Jan 2011 09:45 AM PST So, as you all probably know, users of the T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant were treated to a bit of a weekend surprise. The Vibrant finally received Android 2.2 Froyo. Now whether or not you believe the community revolt had anything to do with this, the update is here for users to enjoy. Now we all know Samsung has a tarnished reputation in the US for slowly pushing updates to its Galaxy S series, but now that they have started to publish them, is this another case of too little, too late? What do you think? Are you excited that you finally can enjoy some 2.2 features, or is the update bittersweet when you realize how long you have been waiting for it? Will Samsung’s update mess prevent you from buying another Samsung device in the future such as the ultra-powerful Samsung 4G LTE Smartphone? We’re looking for your feedback! So let us know in the comment section below! ) |
G-Slate Finally Spotted, There’s the 3D Camera Posted: 22 Jan 2011 09:28 AM PST The LG G-Slate has been the tablet talk outside of its disappointing presence at this year’s CES. Rumors have been circulating that it would feature a glasses-free 3D display, but these were quickly disputed and replaced with a rumor of the inclusion of a 3D camera. It looks as if we have finally gotten an image of the device and we can clearly see the pair of cameras. The images come from a Korean pop video of all places and we get a few glimpses of the device. Other than the spotting, more details regarding its specs have leaked. Behind the 8.9-inch 1280×768 resolution display, the device will feature a 5MP camera, 1.3MP front-facing camera, 6400mAh battery, both HDMI and MicroUSB ports, as well as running on a Tegra 2 processor.
You can check out the tablet’s brief appearance in the music video below (~0:52). Click here to view the embedded video. We’re sure excited about this device, the 8.9-inch screen is a little different but it may just be the perfect fit for some. What do you think? Are you excited about the 4G G-Slate, will you be buying one for 2011? Let us know! [Via AndroidMixer] ) |
Fake Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Video “Leaked,” Specs Included Posted: 22 Jan 2011 07:46 AM PST So this morning we’ve been handed a tip that notes OLEDinfo having a leaked video and specs on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. Of course we ran on over with our shoes untied because that’s the sort of thing we’d love to post. We watched the video and checked out the specs – and we call shenanigans. Feel free to check out the video below (which has been posted to a YouTube account started yesterday, mind you, with spam below pushing the video as “LEAKED!!!” – really, guys? Really?
There’s nothing flying around, there’s no people having an awesome time shooting photos, there’s no awesomeness at all in this video – all that we could forgive if it wasn’t for the fact that the type is terrible, the music is totally unprofessional, and there’s a weird white block popping up before the “Samsung Galaxy Tab 2″ logo at the end. Could the images and the logo be real? Maybe. Is the video real? No way. Here’s the specs they’ve got listed as well, take them as you will: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Anything in there seem reasonable to you? Lots of things could very well be true. I’m definitely liking the idea that there are several color choices, but this hasn’t been a popular sort of thing to offer on many devices of late. 3D display? No. Android 2.3? Probably not, looking more like a 3.0 Honeycomb release for name-brand Android tablets like this one from Mobile World Congress forward. How about the rest? ) |
Android Code NOT Copied, Florian Mueller Story Found Bunk Posted: 22 Jan 2011 07:24 AM PST So have a look at the following, all you fearful for the future folks: the story we ran yesterday by the name of “Android Faces Massive Lawsuit at Hands of Oracle”? It’s been found to be partially BS. Not the title, mind you, since Oracle is indeed still suing Android and Google, but the contents of that post, as researched by Florian Mueller and perpetuated by us, that part’s been proven baseless by the Dev Connection, aka Ed Burnette of ZDNet. Take a peek at his findings and see what you think.
Ed Burnette, professional developer, saw what was posted yesterday and decided to do a bit of investigating himself. Upon seeing the terrifying accusations against the people working on Android, Burnette downloaded the same files Mueller had downloaded and came to the following conclusion: these files don’t matter. First he notes that one set of files that were in question went by the following filenames:,,,,,, and Each of these files, Burnette notes, are in the unit test area which is not shipped with the end product because it is indeed a unit test. A unit test is a tool used internally to make sure of the quality of software before it’s shipped. Next Burnette mentions a file named, a file found in a native code audio drivers directory for a particular type of chip set and one that he says appears to have been uploaded by mistake, and that it should have simply been deleted. Burnette in this case double checked the make files to be sure this file is not shipped with Android either – it’s not. Finally, the first seven files with an Apache license attached to the top of each. Burnette notes that these files are published by Sun on their website for download by developers to help them debug and test their code. The odd thing about these codes is the Apache codes at the top which do not match with the original Sun codes. Burnette tells us that when the Android or Harmony developer used these files they must have, for some reason or another, decompiled and rebuilt them instead of simply using original files from Sun. After this happened, an Apache license (the one found by Mueller) must have been attached by an automated script (and attached incorrectly, mind you.) Burnette notes for these files that all of this doesn’t even really matter since, again, these files aren’t shipped with Android. Finally, Burnette discovers that Google had already taken care of these files, a commit comment written by developer Dan Bornstein reading: “Remove pointless tests.” being deleted 30 Oct 2010, the rest being deleted 14 Jan 2011. Burnette ends his findings with a fist-shaking wish at the world that he believes will not come true, that Mueller’s article will spread like wildfire while this rebuttal by Burnette will fizzle and die. Do not worry, Burnette, we’re not willing to turn our backs on Android that easily. Now to see if anyone else figures out what Oracle is really talking about, or if they’ve got a case at all. [Via ZDNet] ) |
Android Community Daily Wrap Up: January 21 2011 Posted: 21 Jan 2011 08:12 PM PST First of all, if you’ve got a Nexus S, Nexus One, or Samsung Vibrant – you’ve got updates on the way. Next, see the Android Faces Massive Lawsuit at Hands of Oracle post to see the situation Google is in with copyright infringement. Fear for the future as Verizon Files for Appeal on Net Neutrality Light, and get gleeful as Angry Birds Valentine’s Day Edition is casually announced. Finally, and I do mean finally in this list as well as in the wait for this piece of tech, Notion Ink is shipping. Wait by your door like a puppy! Browse Android Community while you’re at it.
Editor’s Choice Android Community |
Android Music Mixtape Involves Kanye West, Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, and More Posted: 21 Jan 2011 03:00 PM PST There is currently a mixtape floating around by the name of “Android for all.” This mixtape is mixed by DJ Skee and is presented by DJ Booth. How are Kanye West, Jay-Z, and Snoop Dogg involved? I doubt they’ve got any idea that they ARE involved, in fact, since the only brand endorsements we’re sure about here is MetroPCS (the mobile service provider) and SA Studios Global, the latter being a marketing and creative agency. We’re also unsure of Android or Google’s level of involvement, though we suppose it’s basically non-existent.
So what’s this mixtape made for? Surely it couldn’t just be for fun? No way, it’s for a toy designing contest being held by MetroPCS with the same name as the tape: Android for all, it consisting of creating a design for an Android toy that will then be produced in a limited edition run and given away as prizes. It doesn’t appear that Google is involved at any level, so it will be interesting to see how close these toys end up being in production to the official toys. Also the winner gets a 50″ Android balloon. But back to the mixtape: you can grab the mixtape for your own for free by clicking this link, and have a super fun time listening to the raps and the rocks: [ZIP file] EDIT: On the other hand, it does appear that DJ Skee has worked with Snoop Dogg in the past – take a peek at this video to see: |
Nexus S Android 2.3.2 System Update Pushing Now (SMS Bug Fix? UPDATE: Yes!) Posted: 21 Jan 2011 02:10 PM PST Some folks are reporting over at XDA that an update to Nexus S is pushing now, one that brings the system up to version 2.3.2. This version, as it says it contains important bug fixes, we expect is the SMS bug fix everyone’s been waiting for. No more random recipients for you!
If you’ll take a peek back [here] you’ll note the bug and will appreciate the fix to a degree that your random texts to people you dont know might never have expected. Then hang a left back here and tell us if you’ve received the update yourself yet. – thanks for the tip DistortedLoop! NOTE: We’ve got an update here from Twitter confirming that indeed this is the fix for the SMS message bug. – thanks again DistortedLoop! [Via XDA] ) |
Posted: 21 Jan 2011 01:57 PM PST This is a simple update apparently, fixing some small bugs in the innards of the Nexus One, not quite a whole OS update – take a peek at your phone and see if it’s pushed to you, or feel free to grab it manually.
Thanks to Hamburger in the forums for this update, and I must say, I love your name. I could go for a hamburger right this second. Take a peek at this thread to see further discussion about this super fabulous update to your system or to yell and scream about the lack of a big tasty gingerbread cookie. ) |
Samsung Vibrant 2.2 Update Today Disputed Posted: 21 Jan 2011 01:12 PM PST Although there does appear to be a few people getting the promised Android 2.2 Froyo update via Kiew Mini from T-Mobile, there’s a general disagreement amongst the rest of the population not quite able to access the yogurt. If you’ll take a look at TmoNews they do appear to have a legitimate internal email saying that the update will be appearing today and that the update will come via Kies Mini and that you can grab support from the official T-Mobile forum, but therein lies the question – where’s the sticky thread?
On the other hand it could just be that T-Mobile hasn’t sent out the official notice outside their internal emails, and therefor of course there would be no official support in the forums – but who knows? Have you gotten the update work? ) |
HTC EVO Shift 4G Now $89.99 on Amazon Posted: 21 Jan 2011 12:42 PM PST Taking a lead from their other sale for the HTC Evo 4G, (which is not $99 from Amazon,) the online seller has reduced the price of the HTC EVO Shift 4G to $89.99, $10 cheaper than it’s big brother. We’ve got a little bit of a review of the Shift if you’d like to take a look at it, then get over there and slap down a bill to buy it!
You can purchase the Sprint HTC EVO Shift 4G for $89.99 here or the Sprint HTC EVO 4G (non Shift) for $99.99 here. Either way you’ll be cruzin and either way you’re gonna have a pretty good time doing so. [Via IntoMobile] ) |
ShootMe Screenshot App on Android – Root or No Root? Posted: 21 Jan 2011 11:55 AM PST We’ve been really pumped up and excited about having found ShootMe since we first happened upon it in early December 2010. We added it to SlashApps of course, then noting the fact that although the app said that all users attempting to utilize the app would have to be rooted in order to have it work, it worked for all of our non-rooted phones just fine. Now we’ve got a bit of a dilemma. There’s a brand new version that not only takes screenshots, it captures screen video as well, recording your every move in video form. That’s not the problem though, the problem is that we’ve had many conflicting reports in the forums of it either working or NOT working on non-rooted phones.
Our question to you is – what’s the verdict? If you had the 0.7.5 version like we did back in December, did it work non-rooted then? And if you’ve got the app updated to the new version now, does it work for you, rooted or non-rooted? What device and Android version are you running? Let us know! ) |
Motorola XOOM is Lead Honeycomb Product, So Says Google Posted: 21 Jan 2011 11:15 AM PST A mister Chris Hall of PocketLint sat down with both Dave Burke, engineering manager for Mobile at Google and Jonathan Nattrass and Andrew Morely representing Motorola Mobility to have a talk about Android 3.0 Honeycomb and how Motorola’s XOOM tablet will be taking the lead. Burke, when questioned on what Google would be getting out of this deal, said that Google wanted to work with the latest hardware, and with a 1GHz Nvidia Tegra 2 dual core chipset, Motorola’s XOOM was it!
Furthermore, it appears that both Google and Motorola had employees working closely with the other’s groups, both of them working to make one massively well-agreed-upon product. Both teams in this talk noted that the version of Android Chris Hall was handling here (in the room they were all talking in) was indeed a “pure” version of Android 3.0 Honeycomb, not a half-baked version like what was shown all over the place at CES 2011. Motorola also added that additional features would be added to the XOOM before launch and after, noting that amongst other over the air updates there’d be a connected music player of some sort. Burke made sure to let everyone know that manufacturers (on other tablets, we suppose,) would be free to customize the platform as they saw fit due to the open source nature of Android. [Via PocketLint] ) |
Samsung Gem Announced, Possibly Heading to Verizon Posted: 21 Jan 2011 11:05 AM PST Samsung today has released some fine photos and details on the upcoming Samsung Gem, a phone that also goes by the name SCH-i100 and runs… Android 2.1 Eclair. That’s weird. This device also has a 3.2-inch touch display with WQVGA resolution and scratch and smudge protection. It includes GPS, Wifi, Bluetooth, and supports 850/1900Mhz CDMA spectrum. Why do we think it might be released via Verizon? Take a peek at these leaked photos and you’ll take the same note.
Inside you’ll find an 800Mhz processor, on the back a 3.2 megapixel camera, on the front a speakerphone, and on the side support for microSD cards up to 16-GB. Samsung Gem has Swype software included as well as Samsung Social Hub social networking throughout. Take a peek at these juicy pics: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [Via PhoneScoop] ) |
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