Android Community |
- Galaxy S 4G Officially Announced via T-Mobile
- Droid1, Droid2, and Droid X Getting New Life as CyanogenMod and CCroms Join Forces
- Trapster Android App Users: Y’all Got Hacked
- Mobile Phone Physical Modding Ups Game with Clear Case
- The Mobile Revolution is Upon Us
- 15-Percent of Smartphones Sold in 2011 Will Have Multi-Core Processors
- Action Snap for Android Released
- Google to Focus on LTE, Mobile Money, & Cheap Smartphones in 2011
- Carbon Fiber Skin for Notion Ink’s Adam is Possible
- Lenovo Creates Official Smartphone and Tablet Division
- Sony Ericsson Q4 Report Shows Declining Android Sales
- Sprint Samsung Galaxy Tab Overclocked to 1.2GHz
- SMS Bug Fix for Nexus S Coming Soon
- Motorola Issues Apology For Their Statements on Bootloader Policy
- Android Phone Concept Features Three Flexible AMOLED Touchscreens
- LG Optimus 2X Now Available for Pre-Order in Europe
- T-Mobile Galaxy S 4G “coming soon”: Vibrant 4G confirmed
- T-Mobile Sidekick 4G rumors resurface with HSPA+ twist [Update: Confirmed!]
- Samsung’s Galaxy S2 to have dual-core Orion CPU, 8MP camera, NFC & more?
- Dell Streak 7 to be $330 from T-Mobile USA?
Galaxy S 4G Officially Announced via T-Mobile Posted: 20 Jan 2011 10:50 AM PST Well here you have it, a press release on the matter. This is the announcement of T-Mobile’s Galaxy S 4G, what they say will be the fastest smartphone running on America’s Largest 4G Network. It’ll have Android 2.2 Froyo, capable of theoretical download speeds of up to 21 Mbps, and it’s got a Super AMOLED touchscreen. "And with 4G data plans from $10 per month, we're making blazing-fast 4G speeds and super smartphone experiences easily accessible to the millions who crave them,” says Cole Brodman, chief marketing officer for T-Mobile USA.
And that’s it! There’s still not very much information on this sassy number, and the details we’ve got up there are basically fluff. It this release out because of a leaky faucet? Perhaps. Have a look at the full press release below: ) |
Droid1, Droid2, and Droid X Getting New Life as CyanogenMod and CCroms Join Forces Posted: 20 Jan 2011 10:41 AM PST If you’ll take a quick peek at the tweet below, you’ll see that the fellow who goes by the name of cvpcs has decided to quit working on his own project and start working with CyanogenMod as a maintainer for at least Droid1. He notes that eventually he’ll like to work on Droid X and Droid2, all the while adding things he’s learned on his own project to CyanogenMod. Sounds alright to us.
SO if you’ve still got one of those Droid devices and were thinking about tossing it in the trash, halt yourself! Great things are on the horizon. On the other hand, if you’ve had your device so long that it’s slider is done sliding and the screens got a crack in it and you hate it so much you’ve considered throwing it out the window, (this is my Aunt’s situation,) probably just get a new phone. [Via Phandroid] ) |
Trapster Android App Users: Y’all Got Hacked Posted: 20 Jan 2011 10:25 AM PST The team working on the Trapster app (that one that helps you speed and mark speed traps and crash into walls and etc,) have sent warning that their site has been compromised, and that indeed the emails and passwords of thousands of their users had been taken – taken for what, you may ask? Taken for some spam! A helpful Android Community tipster by the name of Pam has tipped us off to this terrible event, recounting for us exactly what happened to her and the email sent out by Trapster as warning to others.
First take a look at Pam’s account of her situation, including a bit of a logout of her Gmail account, a password change, and a spam attack attempt:
Then take a peek at the message she received via email from Trapster at 2:07 AM today (not sure what time zone) :
Of course, this same situation might not happen to you, as Pam does admit to having used the same password on her Trapster account as she did on her Gmail account:
But the fact of the matter remains the same – hide your accounts, hide your emails, hide your passwords, because they hacking everybody up in here. – Thanks for the tip, Pam, we appreciate it a bunch! ) |
Mobile Phone Physical Modding Ups Game with Clear Case Posted: 20 Jan 2011 10:02 AM PST And it’s on an iPhone 4, snap! We need to step up with Android and crack down if we’re gonna catch up with this fantastic modification. Closest thing I’ve seen to this on an Android phone as of late was someone scratching the black coating off of their speaker so that it’d be chrome instead. Wild.
There isn’t just a whole lot of stuff to see inside the iPhone as obviously Apple never intended them (or at least this model) to be nude in such a way, but it’s pretty excellent nonetheless. Do you have a case mod you’d like to share, preferably one done on an Android phone? Please feel free to share below or in the forums! We’d love to take a peek! [Via PocketLint] ) |
The Mobile Revolution is Upon Us Posted: 20 Jan 2011 09:49 AM PST Reading an article on the Harvard Business Review written by none other than Eric Schmidt, chairman and CEO of Google, I found that quite a few bells were ringing in my mobile-wired brain. This article took the future of our planet and the globalization of the societies upon it and said the the key to a positive future, essentially, is to deliver the goods to make it possible. This set of keys, he says, start at mobile devices and their geolocation capabilities and ability to give the user both information about where they were at the moment, “what they could do there right now,” and etcetera, all of this delivered at scale.
The first of three keys, Schmidt notes, is the development of underlying fast networks, which of course will of course bring with them creative new applications in mostly the entertainment and social realms. Can you imagine a world completely covered by a network or networks that are 10 times the speed we have in the most well-covered areas in the USA today? This world would most certainly become a place where mobile devices aren’t only enticing to the general population, they’d become essential. Using these devices to send and receive requests for every need and want we have outside (and inside) the home. This of course leads into the next key… Attending to the development of mobile money. Schmidt notes that Phones are used as banks in many poorer parts of the world. This is going to blow the minds of the people who are proponents of getting rid of the Federal Reserve here in the USA and making sure there’s a correct amount of actual gold sitting in a safe somewhere should everyone want to trade in their dollar bills. Can you imagine a world where we’re working with a single standard perhaps? Credits that are good past all borders and governments, and on this tip, all devices working on global networks, having what the DVD business calls Region Zero. Of course, this sort of situation can basically never go 100% global, as there will always be ultra-poor areas where “your Republic Credits are no good here, I need something more real.” Finally, there’s the increasing of the availability of inexpensive smartphones in the poorest parts of the world – Google, Schmidt says, envisions “literally a billion people” getting inexpensive, browser based touchscreen phones in the next few years. If these devices can all connect to the internet in one way or another, can you imagine the change it will make, at least in those areas? There’s challenges, of course, in areas where the internet is routinely blocked, webpages and whole sections of countries are blocked, but there’s always the possibility of satellites, right? Then I’d like to add a point – and I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to be on-par with the CEO of Google in the way of predicting or wishing for certain things in the future, but take a gander: a single, globalized network connection to the internet, a single internet, not country-based, one that cannot be blocked. Possible? If it is, it means world peace. That’s my word. Of course then the producers of the devices we browse this one internet with would become the new government. Hmmm… Eric Schmidt’s original article can be found on the Harvard Business Review blog, and I must compliment the artist who did his portrait – it’s spiffy! Android Community approves. ) |
15-Percent of Smartphones Sold in 2011 Will Have Multi-Core Processors Posted: 20 Jan 2011 09:31 AM PST Dual-core processors in mobile devices were huge at this year’s CES. Being the next frontier in mobile processing, Strategy Analytics predict that over 15-percent of devices sold will feature multi-core processors this year alone and over 45-percent next year. "Strategy Analytics analysts believe that multi-core processors will re-ignite the battle between the stand-alone and baseband-integrated applications processor vendors in 2011," commented, Sravan Kundojjala, Senior Analyst. "The baseband-integrated multi-core applications processors will account for about one-third of total smartphone multi-core applications processor shipments in 2011, with potential for higher share in the future. By contrast, the market for single-core apps processors is now dominated by baseband-integrated products." They also go on to say that Samsung and Qualcomm will be shipping the most multi-core processors this year followed by NVIDIA, ST-Ericsson and Texas Instruments. NVIDIA, falling behind both Samsung and Qualcomm, may be a surprise to some. However, just because they were first to the market with a dual-core processor, doesn’t mean they will be the most utilized. Qualcomm offers up entire cell phone radio systems as well as the processor which makes them a much more attractive option for manufacturers. No matter who is manufacturing the chipsets, we will be seeing a great rise in mobile device computing power over the next year, and by 2012 hopefully it will be the new standard. [Via IntoMobile] ) |
Action Snap for Android Released Posted: 20 Jan 2011 09:16 AM PST Phones are quickly replacing cameras in day-to-day life. Sure, they’re not the optimal quality, but when life throws something at you, more than likely you’ll have your mobile phone ready to take some quick photos. Action Snap is here to further improve that user experience with a whole new take on a mobile phone camera application. The application will allow you to take 4 simultaneous pictures and combine them into a series so the picture is an action snap or “moving.” The UI is incredibly simple which allows for easy captures and the entire application can be an easy replacement for the stock camera app. This application takes several combinations of photos with Lomography, Black and White, and Normal modes on one end, single frame, four vertical frames, and four tiny shots on the other. The idea here with the last two options is that it fires off four shots one after another so that you get a unique photo with several frames. The application is available now, for free, in the Android Market. QR Code: [Via SlashApps] ) |
Google to Focus on LTE, Mobile Money, & Cheap Smartphones in 2011 Posted: 20 Jan 2011 09:06 AM PST Google has now established itself in the mobile market as a fierce competitor. Google’s CEO, Eric Schmidt, has taken to the Harvard Business Review to talk about the company’s plans for 2011, all of which are centered on the competitive mobile space. His highlights of initiatives were to focus on LTE, mobile money and inexpensive smartphones. In a quote from the piece, he states: "To realize that vision, Google needs to do some serious spade work on three fronts," he suggests, kicking off with LTE speeds for mobile devices. "8-to-10- mega bit networks, roughly 10 times what we have today … will usher in new and creative applications, mostly entertainment and social, for these phone platforms." As far as “mobile money” is concerend, we already know Google is pushing big into the NFC space. With support for the technology built into Android 2.3 Gingerbread and the Nexus S, the company sees that as the next frontier in payment systems. In terms of cheap smartphones for wider consumer base, Schmidt seems to think developing countries are a perfect fit for Android bargain devices. “We envision literally a billion people getting inexpensive, browser-based touchscreen phones over the next few years" he suggests, "can you imagine how this will change their awareness of local and global information and their notion of education? And that will be just the start." [Via SlashGear] ) |
Carbon Fiber Skin for Notion Ink’s Adam is Possible Posted: 20 Jan 2011 08:55 AM PST It seems carbon fiber skins are all the range in the technology. Adding a bit of a personal and professional touch to your device, they’re popping up on more and more devices. XDA member, joshua.lyon, has contacted a manufacturer of these skins and they said they would make a template for the device, but they need help. ![]() Carbon Fiber Material Example Specifically, what they’re asking for is an Adam owner to stop by GotShadeOnline in the Delaware area and let them take specific measurements of your device. For your troubles not only will you help out dozens of users who would like to purchase the skin, but you will get your very own custom fitted carbon fiber skin for free! ![]() Color Options The company is known for their high-quality carbon fiber material that is not just a design printed on vinyl. These skins are made out of a material that has a visible texture that shows in various lighting conditions and are not simply printed patterns, making them the perfect customization/scratch proof accessory. If you would like to contact GotShadeOnline, be sure to send them an email and hopefully set up a time where they can measure your device! [Via XDA] ) |
Lenovo Creates Official Smartphone and Tablet Division Posted: 20 Jan 2011 08:46 AM PST We all know the entire computing market is shying away from big desktop and laptop devices and shifting to smartphones and tablets, and it seems Lenovo has just caught on. The company has announced that they have created a separate division to focus on smartphones and tablets. “Lenovo recognizes the tremendous growth potential of the mobile internet, as well as that of new categories like cloud computing and smart TV, and so we are putting the focus and investments in place to fully capitalize on these opportunities to drive growth in our business today and for many years to come," Lenovo’s Chief Exectutive Officer, Yang Yuanqing said in a prepared statement. With this new division we can not only expect many devices from the company, we can expect devices that are actually up to par with competitors as they are no longer being viewed as a second-resort and more of a main priority. 2011 is set to be a huge year for both tablets and smartphones and with Lenovo now a player, we will see at just how impressive of devices they can push to market. [Via IntoMobile] ) |
Sony Ericsson Q4 Report Shows Declining Android Sales Posted: 20 Jan 2011 08:37 AM PST Sony Ericsson has been in a bit of a heat the past year regarding money. After some internal cost-cutting they have managed to return to making a profit, but their Android device sales are down when compared to last year and previous quarters. According to their Q4 report, they’re down about 3.5 millions units when compares to the fourth quarter of last year. For the year of 2010, they sold about 14 million less devices this year than last year. This isn’t all bad news for the company. Not only did they actually make a profit this year due to recent cuts, but they’re on track to be more aggressive in the Android market in 2011. One of the most notable, and most publicized, devices from the company is the Sony PlayStation Phone that we should be seeing an announcement of next month. Only time will tell just how successful Sony Ericsson will be in 2011, but we can all hope that they become key players in the Android space. [Via Sony] ) |
Sprint Samsung Galaxy Tab Overclocked to 1.2GHz Posted: 20 Jan 2011 08:27 AM PST The Samsung Galaxy Tab is quite the impressive device, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t get even better. Bauxite, over at XDA, has developed a kernel that overclocks the Sprint Tab (SPH-P100) to 1.2GHz and with it comes some massive improvements. This is being dubbed as “Extremely Alpha” so don’t expect it to be flawless, but it is working as confirmed by the developer and fellow users. The overclocked device scored a Quadrant of 1129 and a Linpack Score of 17.112, pretty impressive for the Tab. As always, be careful when modifying your device and make sure you know what you’re doing so you do not end up causing any permanent damage to the device itself. If you would like to overclock your Sprint-branded Tab, head over to this thread where you will find the kernel and download instructions. [Via XDA] ) |
SMS Bug Fix for Nexus S Coming Soon Posted: 20 Jan 2011 08:17 AM PST When the SMS bug for many Android devices was discovered, the internet went crazy. Texts were being sent to wrong people, and, if anything, it was a huge annoyance. Now users are getting a bit of a relief with Samsung announcing that the OTA fix will be coming soon. Samsung took to their Galaxy S Support Twitter account and stated that Nexus S owners should expect the OTA update coming over the next few days. Just like all updates, we expect this to be pushed in stages so if you haven’t received yours right away – it’s coming. [Via Twitter] ) |
Motorola Issues Apology For Their Statements on Bootloader Policy Posted: 20 Jan 2011 08:05 AM PST Yesterday one of the comments from Motorola on the official YouTube Atrix ad was picked up by the internet. The comment was simple, “if you want to do custom roms, then buy elsewhere.” Well, they have now issued an apology stating that the response does not reflect the views of Motorola Mobility.
Even though they state that this is not their policy we all know they still have a strong opinion on rooting and using custom ROMs, but being a major company they can not be as blunt about it as that specific YouTube comment was. What do you think? Does Motorola’s strict policy and restrictions keep you from buying a branded device? Let us know in the comments! [Via Facebook] ) |
Android Phone Concept Features Three Flexible AMOLED Touchscreens Posted: 20 Jan 2011 07:54 AM PST Let’s face it, smartphones, at least in their current form, are becoming dull and standard. Everyone is looking for the “newest” form factor for their phones but honestly they’re just all coming out looking the same. Introducing a phone concept that leaves us wanting more with its ultra-sleek 3-panel design. This creative vision took a panel design and went even further making all three of them flexible AMOLED touchscreens. Built with Gorilla Glass covering each flexible Super AMOLED screen (interesting combination), the device will have steel mesh holding each screen together. The rest of the device is made out of aluminum and, of course, runs Android. Sadly, this is just a conceptual design. It was not entirely built with logic regarding currently available technology, and we probably won’t see a device like this for some time. But it’s nice to see a fresh take at a mobile phone, right? Check out the 2 minute ad for the device below and let us know what you think! What is being creative? from Kristian Larsen on Vimeo. [Via SlashGear] ) |
LG Optimus 2X Now Available for Pre-Order in Europe Posted: 20 Jan 2011 07:39 AM PST It looks like we’re nearing the launch of the ultra powerful LG Optimus 2X in Europe. Expansys, a UK-based online retailer, and Ellos, a Danish retailer, have put the device up for pre-order. The device is listed at £499.99 (~$800) and the company is also offering it for free with a few contracts from Vodafone. Expansys has an expected launch date of March 21, 2011. Also in Europe, Danish store Ellos has the Optimus 2X up for pre-order for just 3599 DKK (~$650). They expect to see the device February 25, but this is just speculation at this time. The launch date for the device on T-Mobile USA is still yet to be announced, but if these international expected launches have any ground, we can expect to see the device in March. [Via AndroidCentral] ) |
T-Mobile Galaxy S 4G “coming soon”: Vibrant 4G confirmed Posted: 20 Jan 2011 07:21 AM PST T-Mobile USA has officially confirmed the upcoming HSPA+ version of the Samsung Vibrant, which will launch as the T-Mobile Galaxy S 4G. “We will launch as new the Samsung Galaxy S 4G” CEO Philipp Humm apparently confirmed at a briefing earlier today, reports PCMag, as well as giving the official nod to the Sidekick 4G. No release date for the T-Mobile Galaxy S 4G has been given, but Humm did say it was “coming soon”. ) |
T-Mobile Sidekick 4G rumors resurface with HSPA+ twist [Update: Confirmed!] Posted: 20 Jan 2011 06:32 AM PST Talk of a T-Mobile Sidekick running Android pretty much faded midway through 2010, but the rumors have resurfaced with a 4G twist. According to TmoNews‘ source, who claims to have been briefed this week on the upcoming handset, T-Mobile is preparing the Sidekick 4G with a full QWERTY keyboard and touchscreen. OS is believed to be Android 2.3 Gingerbread, and the Sidekick 4G name – which may only be a development title – certainly suggests it will have HSPA+ support for the US carrier. No word on potential launch dates, however. Update: PCMag reports that T-Mobile USA CEO Philipp Humm confirmed the upcoming Sidekick 4G at a briefing earlier today: ) |
Samsung’s Galaxy S2 to have dual-core Orion CPU, 8MP camera, NFC & more? Posted: 20 Jan 2011 05:05 AM PST Further details on Samsung’s incoming replacement to the Galaxy S, the colloquially named Samsung Galaxy S2, continue to emerge ahead of the smartphone’s expected launch at MWC 2011 next month. According to Korean site NocutNews, the Galaxy S2 – internally codenamed “Seine” – will use Samsung’s dual-core 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 “Orion” processor and run Android 2.3 Gingerbread with 1GB of RAM. There’s also supposedly a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus display running at WVGA resolution, an 8-megapixel rear camera with 1080p HD video recording, and NFC, all in a smartphone tipped to be just 9mm thick. That fits in broadly with previous rumors, certainly, and leaves us particularly excited for Samsung’s MWC 2011 press event on February 13. [via SmartDroid] ) |
Dell Streak 7 to be $330 from T-Mobile USA? Posted: 20 Jan 2011 04:14 AM PST T-Mobile USA may have prematurely revealed pricing for the Dell Streak 7, with what looks to be Equipment Installment plan details spotted on the carrier’s product page. Streak Smart noticed the 7-inch tablet’s fine-print mentioning an ”$82.50 down payment, plus 3 monthly payments of $82.50, required”; that would work out to $330. Although there’s no mention of the Equipment Installment plan on the page itself, the text follows the format from other T-Mobile product pages. ) |
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